About Me

I’m a self-taught artist with a background in street art and graffiti, and now working on my portrait game. My art is motivated by music, culture and its’ intersection with society and politics. I believe art is a critical outlet for the most complex and misunderstood forms of human expression.

Portrait Drawing Journey

My journey in Portrait drawing started during the pandemic. In 2020, after years of being away from art, I decided I needed to return to it for my own sanity. Despite not being formally trained as an artist, I had always been naturally skilled at drawing my entire life, and it was then that I decided I really wanted to master drawing human expression. At that time, I chose to draw Tupac, and have drawn him multiple times since.

Since 2020, I’ve drawn at least 1000 hours every year since 2020, and now I can’t and won’t ever stop.